One of the best – known head hunters in Romania recently launched, the first recruitment site exclusively for management positions.

The tool combines online recruitment (recruitment site) and the classic executive search, which covers activities that can never be automatized (application analysis, evaluation and ranking of profiles, etc.)
Easier and cost-effective recruitment occupies an uncovered niche between Linkedin, the usual volume – based recruitment websites and the classic activity of executive search companies.
„This new hybrid recruitment model for management positions combines the advantages of each method (online, recruitment announcements, direct search), leading to a 70% cost reductions for employers, but with similar results of classic executive search activities, thus allowing access to professional recruitment services for management positions to an incomparably larger number of companies, which until now could not afford their classic, quite expensive, services”, says George Butunoiu, CEO of
On recruitment announcements for management positions are posted, with salaries starting from 1,500 € net / month, plus other benefits. The job post announcements are free at this moment.
No resumes can be found on the site – only employers who place ads can see the resumes of candidates applying for their job. At this moment, provides free promotion of the announcements, assistance in drafting the announcements and even free support in the analysis and evaluation of applications, upon request. Standards’s main objective is to introduce and impose on the Romanian market 3 standards related to recruitment for management positions:
- Managero CV format for management positions, very detailed and precise, structured exactly according to the requirements of employers in large companies and top search executive companies;
- Managerial Classification System (SCM) of managerial profiles – a system of (self) evaluation and classification that can be widely used by any company and organization for the evaluation and classification of employees, far beyond the recruitment process;
- The hybrid model of recruitment – advertising, very detailed and precise, which attracts incomparably more applicants, on the one hand, but it is also good to promote the image of the employer on the market in general.